Online Courses

Work On Your Relationships Today!

This 30-Day Relationship Challenge is designed to help you feel more connected to those around you.

It's a 30-day journey of self-discovery, using resilience training and relationship psychology to help you feel stronger and happier with the relationships in your life. Our clinician Robb has created an amazing resource, The 30 Day Relationship Challenge. This is for anyone who’s wanting to begin a deeper journey into the dynamics of their relationships and find healing.

You will receive 30 days worth of the best psycho-educational materials Robb has collected and have shared with my clients over the years for the small one time fee of $99


What The 30 Day Challenge Includes!

We invite you to take some of the best pieces of advice, stories, analogies, exercises, challenges, teaching, coaching, and relationship psychology, all proven to help you feel more connected and understood in your relationships.

One single counseling session typically costs well over $150

But with Robb’s 30 Day Relationship Challenge... 

You'll receive ALL the above AND...

30 days worth of insight, coaching, ideas, strategies, and advice on improving yourself and your relationships. These pieces of insight and wisdom would typically be drawn out over a one-year period of time (or more) and would cost THOUSANDS of dollars.

For the next 30 days, you'll receive the best pieces of materials that Robb has used with his clients over the course of his career in the mental health field